January 23, 1919
Dr. George King was born on Earth – position 009 neem 648218.
– Near Wellington, Shropshire, England

Dr. King gave his first demonstration of spiritual healing at 11 years old. His mother was ill. He walked out into the woods and prayed fervently for her and his mother was miraculously healed. This was the first time he was visited by an elevated being from another world.
– Hutton Gate, North Yorkshire, England

At the age of 11, Dr. King obtained a scholarship to the local grammar school at Guisborough.
– Guisborough, North Yorkshire, England
At the age of 18, Dr. King left home and moved to London.
– London, England
Dr. King was a conscientious objector and chose to take a non-combatant role in the war. He had already enrolled in the Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS) and now joined up full time. He soon became a section leader. He would often use his psychic abilities to help locate trapped bodies in the rubble when the devastating blitz occurred in London.
– London, England
Dr. King was visited by an elevated being from another world. This is the second contact with extraterrestrial intelligences that we know of. He recalled: “It made me think very, very deeply about the really serious matters connected with my life. It was an extremely elevating experience and one which is very close and very dear to me, and one which is of a most positive and uplifting nature, and that seemed to happen just out of the blue, as it were. Of course I know now that that too was a part of the great plan.”
– Torrington Wood, Devon, England

Dr. King started to practice yoga intensely for an average of 8 hours per day. He did this for a decade.
– London, England
Dr. King was a driver for royalty during the state funeral of King George VI. He developed a passion for motor-bikes, including his newly purchased 500cc Norton OHC, marshalled at the Isle of Man TT, was a stunt driver, and was a test driver of racing cars for Jaguar Cars. He later drove taxis in London.
– London, England
May 17, 1953
Dr. King established a small healing circle which would meet at his bedsit, or at the home of other members of the circle. In the first recorded meeting on May 17th, 1953, Dr. King entered a trance condition with three others present during which, a Tibetan adept called the Master Chang-Fu and Sir James Young Simpson spoke through him.
– London, England
November 18, 1953
A visionary revelation was made as a result of a samyama (deep yogic meditation) Dr. King entered. He wrote in the minutes: “It is my earnest opinion that we will be able to form a society successfully after proving ourselves in healing.”
– London, England
Spring, 1954
Dr. King received an initiation in kundalini, from Saint Peter, through his mother, Mary King. As the power of Saint Peter surged through Dr. King, the kundalini was activated at the base of the spine and rose up each chakra in turn, at least as high as the throat centre.
– London, England

May 8, 1954
Dr. King received “The Command”, during which he was told: “Prepare yourself! You are to become the voice of Interplanetary Parliament.”
– London, England
May 16, 1954
After very careful practice of pranayama Dr. King settled down with a firm determination to stay there until some further explanation of “The Command” was forthcoming. A master from India, who he later revealed to be Swami Sivananda, walked through his locked door, across the creaking boards beneath the faded grey carpet, and sat down opposite him. Dr. King was given further instruction about his mission and initiated into certain yogic practices.
– London, England
May 29, 1954
At a healing circle attended by four people including Dr. King, the Master Aetherius spoke through Dr. King for the first time.
– London, England
June 17, 1954
George King visited the planet Venus in a state of conscious projection for the first time. He returned again to Venus on July 8, approximately 3 weeks later.
– Venus
August 4, 1954
George King visited the planet Mars in a state of conscious projection.
– Mars

January 29, 1955
The Master Aetherius spoke through Dr. King at a public meeting in London’s Caxton Hall. Aetherius – a Venusian communicator – was able that night to speak to London for the first time.
– London, England
June 4, 1955
The first known Spiritual Push of modern times was started. The Master Aetherius stated through Dr. King: “We are using between 20,000 & 30,000 mother ships & 180,000 to 280,000 remote vessels around Earth to flood world with magnetic energy – the explosions of atom bombs have caused a dangerous increase in density of ionosphere layer surrounding Terra, and this has tuned down the cosmic and other energies which should reach Earth. This is a very dangerous thing.”
Summer/Autumn, 1955
Dr. King went into a meditation lasting 65 hours. During this meditation, Dr. King visualised the symbol of The Aetherius Society.
– St. Mawes, Cornwall, England
October 1, 1955
During the second Spiritual Push of modern times, Dr. King received the first transmission from Mars Sector 6.
March 23, 1956
Dr. King visited Satellite No. 3 in a projected state and witnessed a young indian girl receive an initiation of Ascension, which he later described in The Nine Freedoms.
August 2, 1956
The Aetherius Society was brought into being.
– London, England
In late 1956 Dr. King moved from Maida Vale to Fulham where he took up residence at 88, The Drive Mansions. This became the headquarters of The Aetherius Society.
– London, England
December 16, 1956
At 12:55 pm the group who had travelled by coach to hold a power circle were parked on Leith Hill, Surrey, England, when they were visited physically by a man from the planet Mars.
April 22, 1958
Dr. King was given specialized instructions by the Master Aetherius to design some radionic apparatus which would be used at special transmissions and power circles during Magnetization Periods. This was used to greatly enhance the output of energy. This new equipment, known as the ‘King Pranic Concentrator’, was connected electrically and radionically to ‘Gertie’ and ‘Gertina (earlier radionic apparatus devised by Dr. King), to create the first Spiritual Energy Radiator.
– London, England
May 16, 1958
Dr. King left home at 10:30 pm to keep a rendezvous on Putney Common with a being from the planet Mars! It was during this rendezvous that he was given information about the spiritual nature of existence. Dr. King would sometimes refer to this Martian intelligence as his master, but it was later revealed that his master was in fact the Master Aetherius. One possible reason for this could be that the Martian intelligence was a higher aspect of himself joining up with him in order to direct him in his mission – and he did not wish to reveal his true identity by sharing this with others.
– London, England

July 7, 1958
Dr. King moved from 88 The Drive Mansions to 757 Fulham Road in London, where the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society are still located today.
– London, England

July 23, 1958
Dr King had a physical contact on Holdstone Down in Devon, England, with the Master Jesus, who emerged from a spacecraft. Dr King was used as a channel for spiritual energies radiated by Jesus. This helped to stop a war brewing in the Middle East, and charged Holdstone Down – therefore starting the mission known as Operation Starlight, in which 19 Holy Mountains were charged around the world.
– Holdstone Down, Devon, England

July 27, 1958
Dr. King received the first of the teachings called ‘The Twelve Blessings’ from the Master Jesus.
– London, England

November 23, 1958
A Lord of Karma delivered what became known as ‘The Lord’s Declaration’, outlining the coming of the Next Master.
– Brown Willy, Cornwall, England
Early 1959
It was revealed by Saint Goo-Ling to the Committee of The Aetherius Society that Dr. King had come from Mars, and had volunteered for his mission 100 years ago. It was also revealed that he had had no previous terrestrial incarnations, and that he had considerable cosmic status.
– London, England
April 11, 1959
Dr. King transmuted the black magician who was responsible for the death of Jesus almost 2000 years ago. Dr. King was also killed in this action. However, following Dr. King’s decision to remain on Earth, the Master Aetherius brought him back to life so that he could continue his mission to Earth.
– Carnedd Llywelyn, Snowdonia, Wales
April 21, 1959
Mars Sector 6 described Dr. King as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel and our Primary Agent upon the planet Terra. The Master Jesus declares to Dr. King, “You are now one of us”.
– London, England
May 17, 1959
The Master Aetherius announced that there were three specially trained Adepts upon Earth whose mission it was to transmute the black magicians who manipulate the evil forces upon Earth. He went on to disclose that if these Three Adepts were taken from Earth for any reason, then humanity had no hope of survival. These Adepts were known as Nixies Zero Zero One, Nixies Zero Zero Two and Nixies Zero Zero Three. Dr. King was the Adept known as Nixies Zero Zero One, but went to great lengths to hide his true identity.
– London, England

May 21, 1959
On at least two occasions Dr. King received cosmic transmissions on live television broadcasts. One of these was a programme called ‘Lifeline’ for the BBC on May 21st, 1959. During this programme the host was able to interview the Master Aetherius.
– England

June 6, 1959
Dr. King, accompanied by Keith Robertson, left England from the Royal Albert Dock in London on a freighter bound for New York called the American Banker. Dr. King made his way across the country to Los Angeles, addressing audiences in Philadelphia, Franklin, Toledo, Kansas City, Chicago, and Oklahoma City.
– New York, New York, USA
July 11, 1959
It was at the convention run by The Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America, in the luxurious surroundings of the Statler Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, that Dr. King met for the first time the twins, Monique and Erain Noppe.
– Los Angeles, California, USA

August 9, 1959
As instructed by the cosmic masters, Dr. King continued the mission known as Operation Starlight in the USA. On August 9th, assisted by a small team consisting of Keith, Monique and Erain, he climbed Mount Baldy in Southern California so that it could be charged.
– Mount Baldy, Los Angeles, USA
August 26, 1959
Erain Noppe recounts that Dr. King said he had had a revelation on this date; he was told, as Number One, his code name.
– Oakland, California, USA
February 23, 1960
The Master Aetherius gives the first report through Dr. King of the Three Adepts in action together in a battle against powerful dark forces in the lower astral realms of Earth.

July 19, 1960
Dr. King appeared on The Tom Duggan Show on KCOP, a TV station in Los Angeles. Dr. King announced to attenders at a lecture soon after: “History was made in America. As you know, the people from other planets have never spoken in that way over television in America before”.
– Los Angeles, California, USA

November 22, 1960
The Aetherius Society was officially incorporated as a non-profit organization in the USA. Sometime in 1960 Dr. King and his closest followers settled at a property on Hobart Boulevard in Los Angeles, which became the American Headquarters.
– Los Angeles, California, USA
February 12, 1961
Dr. King received from Mars Sector 6 the first of the cosmic transmissions called ‘The Nine Freedoms’.
– Los Angeles, California, USA
August 23, 1961
Operation Starlight ended with the charging of Le Nid d’Aigle in the French Alps. This concluded the colossal and, for Dr. King and his teams, harrowing mission for the benefit of the world as a whole. The Master Aetherius would later declare, on July 27th, 1972: “Operation Starlight is the greatest single metaphysical task ever undertaken upon Terra in this Her present life.”
– Le Nid d’Aigle, France

July 11, 1963
Operation Bluewater was started – a mission to send energy directly in a specific psychic center of Earth off the coast of California, prior to the Primary Initiation of Earth.
– Dana Point, California, USA
July 8, 1964
The most important transmission ever given was received in Los Angeles on July 8th, 1964, between 10:00 pm and 10:57 pm, namely the Primary Initiation of Earth.
– Los Angeles, California, USA
July 21, 1964
Mars Sector 6 stated about Dr. King: “Search as you will throughout the world we refer to as Terra, you will never find greater teachings, more simply given, a greater truth with less distortion than you find in and through Mental Channel Number One.”

November 29, 1964
The fourth, and final, phase of Operation Bluewater was completed. On January 30th of the following year in 1965, the Master Aetherius stated: “Operation Bluewater could only have been successfully executed by George King. There is no one else in a terrestrial body who could have so quickly designed an instrument capable of the radiation of energies through quite a depth of coastal waters.”
– Dana Point, California, USA
February 16, 1965
Phase Two of Dr. King’s mission was announced by Saint Goo-Ling.
– Los Angeles, California, USA
May 30, 1965
The Three Adepts commenced the first of the major conflicts for which they had been recruited to Earth, namely the Alien Mission. This was a mission to remove from the lower astral realms of Earth an alien android, which had been programmed to take over all life on the physical and subtle realms.

June 2, 1965
The Aetherius Society moved into new premises on Afton Place in Hollywood. They took possession of the property just three days after the start of this battle, the Alien Mission, for the survival and sanity of the human race. The property was in need of substantial repair. There were times when Dr. King and the other residents of the property had to be out of bed in the middle of the night working in the pouring rain to prevent flooding to parts of the property – while being on call for a phase of this intense battle!
– Los Angeles, California, USA
October 26, 1965
The alien android was evicted from Earth! Because of the vast importance of this tremendous victory to all life on the Planet Earth, October 26th is regarded on the higher realms as the second most important date in the year, the first being July 8th, the Primary Initiation of Earth. It was a gargantuan battle. In 1980 Mars Sector 8 stated through Dr. King, “The level one equivalent of the cost of the eviction of the alien android from Terra was approximately 33 trillion dollars, providing no Interplanetary Federation equipment values are computed…If the Adepts had demanded 50% of the total wealth of all terrestrials as a repayment for their unusual skill to be put at their disposal for whatever charitable purposes, or other uses they so desired, such a demand would have been logically reasonable and a conservative one.”
January 22, 1966
The Alien Mission, consisting of 27 phases over 8 horrific months, culminated in victory on January 22nd, 1966. During this mission the Three Adepts were made up to Five Adepts, now including two more specially trained interplanetary intelligences. Adept Number Four and Adept Number Five made the immense sacrifice of not inhabiting their full aspect bodies on this backward planet, but they did not suffer the limitation of an earth physical body like the Three Adepts.
February 13, 1966
Between 9:00 pm and 10:15 pm a very important and highly advanced space being visited The Aetherius Society Headquarters in Hollywood. This intelligence came from outside of the solar system thousands of millions of miles away from this Earth. He travelled from his own planet in the system of Gotha in a very large spacecraft which he left in orbit of our moon while the visit was made. This visitor was a male and appeared in a physical humanoid form.
– Los Angeles, California, USA
March 29, 1966
The Gotha Mission begins. Only two months after the conclusion of the Alien Mission, the now Five Adepts were propelled into action again in what became known as the Gotha Mission. Gotha is the pseudonym for a planetary system populated by an extremely enlightened race of beings, approximately 36,000 light years from Earth. They were now under threat from attack by the same alien race that had placed upon Earth the android just evicted by the Five Adepts.
– Gotha
May 1, 1966
The Lord Babaji grants his permission to Dr. King for Operation Sunbeam – a mission to give back to the Mother Earth a token repayment of energy as an expression of gratitude for all that she has done for mankind.
May 21, 1966
The Master Aetherius officially accepts Operation Sunbeam as an official act within the confines of the Cosmic Plan for the evolution of the planet and those who reside upon Her.

September 24, 1966
The mission Operation Sunbeam was started on Mount Baldy with none other than Saint Peter aiding in the charging of the first two batteries, through Dr. King.
– Mount Baldy, Los Angeles, California, USA
October 15, 1966
It was announced that two Masters from Gotha were now, on Earth and would take whatever karma was necessary to allow future phases of Operation Sunbeam to be performed. These two wonderful intelligences would later be supplemented by a third, to perform the essential role of providing the source of the energy sent to the Mother Earth in Operation Sunbeam in all future phases, from then until the present day and beyond.
December 18, 1966
The Master Aetherius reports through Dr. King that Operation Sunbeam had inspired races throughout the Galaxy to make the same token repayment of energy to their supporting Logos: “In fact, I would go so far as to say that here, upon Terra, in the mind of one individual was built a sphere which is liable to become one of the largest snowballs in the whole of galactic history.”
March 24, 1967
The Gotha Mission was concluded, with what Dr. King described as the greatest event ever reported.
August 18, 1967
Dr. King was given the Spiritual Push dates for the next 1000 years by Mars Sector 6.
August 26, 1967
The Master Aetherius gives further instructions to The Aetherius Society, through Dr. King, for the coming 1000 years. As a result of the missions devised by Dr. King, these directives were fulfilled but in different, even more potent ways. These changes were endorsed by The Master Aetherius.
October 26, 1967
The long prophesied Armageddon had begun. Operation Karmalight was started by the Three Adepts to prevent the entity known as satan, who had controlled the hells for millions of years, from bringing all the realms of Earth under his control.
February 24, 1969
Operation Karmalight was completed after 24 gruelling battles, culminating in the transmutation of the last aspect of satan by the Lord Babaji.

January 30, 1971

January 2, 1972
Dr. King journeyed to the center of the Earth in a state of astral projection to meet the Protectors of The Ineffable Flame of the Logos of Earth. During this visit Dr. King received wise and helpful advice from the Protectors regarding the construction of certain radionic apparatus to radiate energies from the Mother Earth following Her Initiation. The Protectors talked to Dr. King about the vast importance of Operation Sunbeam, which they considered to be the greatest single mission being performed on Earth by any organization or even country.

January 23, 1972
Dr. King gifts Operation Prayer Power to the world – a mission in which spiritual energy can be invoked by prayer teams and stored in a physical spiritual power battery for later release in times of world crisis.

June 1, 1972
Dr. King undertook a research programme in the USA and discovered that there was a psychic center at Lake Powell, Utah on the Colorado river near the Arizona/Utah border. This beautiful center was used in phases of Operation Sunbeam for the first time on June 1st, 1972.
– Lake Powell, Utah, USA
August 6, 1972
Dr. King was contacted by a Lord of Karma referred to as ‘Questing’. Questing used pictorial language in the form of graphs to convey the fact that if Operation Sunbeam was extended to the British Isles its influence would be doubled.
– London, England
October 16, 1972
Saint Goo-Ling declares in a transmision given on this date that the Five Adepts are “…the greatest masters upon Earth now and even through past history.” Dr. King was one of the Adepts.

June 30, 1973
Operation Prayer Power was started in the UK on a beautiful sunny day on the picturesque slopes of Holdstone Down, North Devon, overlooking the Bristol Channel.
– Holdstone Down, North Devon, England

September 23, 1973
Operation Prayer Power was started in the USA by the side of the psychic center at Padre Bay, Lake Powell, Utah.
– Padre Bay, Lake Powell, Utah, USA
September 2, 1975
Operation Prayer Power was officially accepted into the Cosmic Plan for the salvation and enlightenment of mankind upon Terra by Mars Sector 6.
June 17, 1976
A search was begun to find psychic centers in the British Isles. This culminated in June 1976 when Dr. King announced the discovery of two psychic centers: one in Loch Ness and the other in the Bristol Channel.
– UK
Dr. King published his seminal book You Too Can Heal which altered the mindset around healing in spiritual circles. It was commonly believed then, even by practicing healers, that healing was a gift – you either had it or didn’t – but you certainly couldn’t learn it. His book and the course he devised around it revolutionized the healing movement. Today it is generally accepted that healing is an ability which can be learnt by anyone who is willing and able to use the correct technique, and his groundbreaking work has much to do with this.

October 17, 1976
Operation Sunbeam was extended to the British Isles with a successful discharge into the psychic center at Loch Ness.
– Loch Ness, Scotland
“King’s Cottage” was purchased by the Society on the shores of Loch Ness in Scotland. It still serves as a missions base today.
– Loch Ness, Scotland
January 23, 1978
Dr. King entered the third phase of his mission.

June 19, 1978
Dr. King had a highly enlightening contact with his own master. He re-kindled memories of his childhood and realized, as never before, the significance of some of these in preparing him for the mission which was to come.
– Roseberry Topping, North Yorkshire, England

December 5, 1978
Dr. King entered a profound and elevated state and projected to the mystical city of Shamballa – an enormous extraterrestrial spacecraft in geostationary orbit above the Gobi Desert on the higher mental realms of Earth. The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, known as the Great White Brotherhood, wished to make a large-scale extension of Operation Sunbeam into psychic centres where The Aetherius Society was unable to do so, and following occult protocol they wished to seek his permission as its inventor and designer. After granting this permission, Dr. King was approached by the Lord Buddha, who stated: “I thus initiate you as Grand Knight Templar of the Inner Sanctum of the Holy Order of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth.”
– Shamballa, On the higher mental realms above the Gobi Desert
April, 1979
Dr. King was overshadowed for a moment by the Logos of Earth Itself.
– Lake Powell, Utah, USA
June 14, 1979
Operation Sunbeam Plan B was started – representing a major step forward in the modus operandi of this mission.
July 8, 1979
Dr. King initiated the Sacrifice to God discharges of Operation Prayer Power energy in honor of The Mother Earth. Over the years the amount of energy discharged has increased considerably, as special charging sessions are set aside for this purpose. The total energy discharged is also supplemented by the Adepts themselves who agreed to charge a battery in Los Angeles with 5,000 prayer hours each year for this purpose.
November 29, 1979
Dr. King journeyed via spacecraft through the Earth to meet the Protectors of The Ineffable Flame of the Logos of Earth. Operation Earth Light was accepted by The Lords of the Flame.

January 23, 1980
Dr. King journeyed through the Earth to meet the Protectors of The Ineffable Flame of the Logos of Earth. This time Dr. King was granted the great priviledge of seeing a small part of the Flame of the Logos Herself.
August 23, 1980
Dr. King was consecrated as an archbishop of his own churches. From this came the start of The Aetherius Churches. He became its Metropolitan Archbishop and adopted the title, His Eminence Sir George King.
– New York, New York, USA
January 23, 1981
The Three Adepts launched Satellite A1 into orbit of Earth as part of Operation Space Magic to receive and relay energies from specially tuned remote modules they had placed previously on Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Neptune. This was a monumental achievement, which made spiritual energies from other planets available to be used in Operation Sunbeam and other missions.
April 16, 1981
Dr. King received what turned out to be the last cosmic transmission delivered through him in samadhic trance, which was an announcement by Mars Sector 6 of a series of cosmic awards and promotions. These were made to each one of the Adepts and to The Aetherius Society for the performance of certain missions.

September 11, 1981
The Saturn Mission was started on Loch Ness; a mission devised by the Lords of Saturn to help bring about world peace and the stabilisation of natural conditions on Earth. The mission continues to be performed at Loch Ness to this day.
– Loch Ness, Scotland

September 26, 1981
Dr. King was crowned Prince de Santorini by Prince Henri III de Vigo Paleologo, a descendant of the Byzantine Imperial family. This was a title which Prince Henri had never accorded, and would never accord, to anyone else.
– St. George’s Church, Hanover Square, London, England
October 11, 1981
Dr. King established The Mystical Order of Saint Peter based around the cosmic transmissions he had received in the 1950s from this great Martian intelligence. These became the texts of the Order, into which he dubbed as knights and dames those mystical thinkers who had given service to others. Using the princedom he had received from Prince Henri, he became its Prince Grand Master.

May 13, 1982
Phase 2 of the Saturn Mission was completed at Lake Powell, Utah, USA. It continues to be performed at Lake Powell to this day.
– Lake Powell, Utah, USA

Dr. King decided that The Aetherius Society should purchase a small bungalow in Combe Martin near Holdstone Down in North Devon, after much persuasion from Lady Monique, which he called “The Retreat”.
– Combe Martin, North Devon, England
May 22, 1987
Dr. King skillfully negotiated with an intelligence aboard Satellite No. 3 to make available to The Aetherius Society virtually an unlimited supply of energy which could be sent out to the world through the Spiritual Energy Radiators in addition to that sent out regularly during a Spiritual Push. From this came a new mission called Operation Space Power II, which would transform the future of this planet. Literally, millions of prayer hours of energy could and have been sent out to the world as a result of this one conversation between an interplanetary master of true spiritual science and an individual living in a human body on Earth.

September 2, 1987
His Eminence Sir George King, as Metropolitan Archbishop, consecrated his two new bishops, Lady Monique King and Richard Lawrence. This action was endorsed by the Lord Babaji.
– Los Angeles, California, USA
October 10, 1988
Dr. King was visited at his residence in Santa Barbara by an intelligence from Satellite No. 3 – Adept Nixies Zero Zero Nine. Adept Number Nine revealed that the Five Adepts would be replaced by Nixies Zero Zero Six (the Lord Babaji), Nixies Zero Zero Seven, Nixies Zero Zero Eight and Nixies Zero Zero Nine, but not in terrestrial bodies. Adept Number Nine was to become the chief communications officer, accepting as one of his many responsibilities the communications from The Aetherius Society. This was essential to the future of the missions.
– Santa Barbara, California, USA
October 11, 1988
Dr. King was given the revised Spiritual Push dates from 1989 by Mars Sector 6. These dates are fixed “for as long as The Aetherius Society is able to cooperate with them”, and replaced the dates given by Mars Sector 6 in 1967.
– Santa Barbara, California, USA
May 7, 1989
The Master Aetherius announced that Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel, otherwise known as His Eminence Sir George King, was unanimously voted, in his own right, while still living in a physical body on Terra, as a full member and advisor to the Interplanetary Confederation.
– Santa Barbara, California, USA

August 8, 1990
The Master Aetherius delivered a mental transmission, in which he stated: “I want all the members of The Aetherius Society to realize that, never before in my existence have I ever recruited a better spiritual master than George King! He is my ‘Star Pupil’.”
– Los Angeles, California, USA
November 11, 1990
Operation Earth Light was started by the Great White Brotherhood, after the mission was offered to them by Dr. King. It is a mission designed to slowly release a part of the energy the Mother Earth received during Her Primary Initiation on July 8th, 1964, through certain psychic centers to the higher devic kingdom, so that people can gradually adjust to the higher vibrations that will be present in the New Age.

March 3, 1991
Dr. King was in his bed receiving healing from Brian Keneipp and Richard Medway when a fire broke out in the front room, engulfing it in flames. It was revealed to Dr. King later that day by the Lord of Karma known as Questing that the fire was necessary to manipulate karma for future important moves.
– Los Angeles, California, USA
July 28, 1991
Dr. King was awarded a grant of arms from Her Majesty, which was presented to him by one of the Queen’s Heralds, Bluemantle Pursuivant, at a ceremony held in Los Angeles in 1991.
– Los Angeles, California, USA

March 18, 1993
Operation Power Light was started. Operation Power Light was a mission for world peace and upliftment. The first 12 phases consisted of Dr. King going to a location, normally in the motorhome, and staying for generally two hours. The Spiritual Energy Radiator would be running, and a portion of this energy was sent through him. Later the modus operandi was expanded, and Dr. King was no longer used as a channel.
– Lake Cachuma & Vista Point, California, USA

January 17, 1994
An earthquake measuring 6.7 hit the Los Angeles area causing approximately 60 deaths and injuries to 9,000 people. It caused considerable damage to the American Headquarters. Dr. King requested, through the Master Aetherius, that Satellite No. 3 come into orbit of Earth to provide assistance. This request was granted.
May 14, 1994
Operation Sunbeam Plan K was started. This represented another major advance in this mission. In Plan K, no less than six water-based psychic centres of the Mother Earth would now be used: Loch Ness, Lake Powell, Dana Point, Goleta Point, Lake Tanganyika and, most sacred of all, one located near the Arctic.

May 6, 1996
August 23, 1996
The Master Aetherius approves the final modus operandi which would allow the Saturn Mission to continue after Dr. King’s demise.

June 18, 1997
Dr. King signed a letter approving the continuation of the Sacrifice to God supplementation by the Adepts into the future. This was his last official task that we know of.
– Santa Barbara, California, USA

July 12, 1997
Dr. King passed away from the physical plane of Earth in a very peaceful manner at his home in Santa Barbara at 4:48 am PDT.
– Santa Barbara, California, USA