The Saturn Mission on Loch Ness

July 31, 1985

In this short video clip, you will see and hear the skipper of the boat, Dr. King, giving a running commentary during one of the sub-phases of the Saturn Mission. As he explains, this was one of the few times when a video had been taken during a phase.

On the surface, there doesn’t appear to be a lot going on. However, on the high spiritual realms and indeed in this little boat, there is. The Saturn Mission is another cosmic mission performed by The Aetherius Society for the betterment of our world.

This was devised by cosmic masters from Saturn – the most advanced planet in this solar system. Dr. King was given the unbelievable honor of being chosen to conduct this mission by these great Lords of Saturn. This mission began in 1981, and has continued after Dr. King’s demise in 1997, and will continue to be performed into the future by a picked team of highly trained initiates in cooperation with the great ones.

In this mission, a spiritual energy battery is charged with high-quality spiritual energy by cosmic masters, and then taken onto a boat and released over a psychic center (chakra) of Earth. The spiritual energies released are not, for the most part, going into the psychic center but are amalgamated with the natural flow of energy from the center.

The Saturn Mission has two main results. Firstly, it helps to bring about world peace. Secondly, very high frequency energy is sent to the devic kingdom, which helps to bring about a stabilization of natural conditions on Earth.

Location: Loch Ness, Scotland

The Saturn Mission on Loch Ness

July 31, 1985

In this short video clip, you will see and hear the skipper of the boat, Dr. King, giving a running commentary during one of the sub-phases of the Saturn Mission. As he explains, this was one of the few times when a video had been taken during a phase.

On the surface, there doesn’t appear to be a lot going on. However, on the high spiritual realms and indeed in this little boat, there is. The Saturn Mission is another cosmic mission performed by The Aetherius Society for the betterment of our world.

This was devised by cosmic masters from Saturn – the most advanced planet in this solar system. Dr. King was given the unbelievable honor of being chosen to conduct this mission by these great Lords of Saturn. This mission began in 1981, and has continued after Dr. King’s demise in 1997, and will continue to be performed into the future by a picked team of highly trained initiates in cooperation with the great ones.

In this mission, a spiritual energy battery is charged with high-quality spiritual energy by cosmic masters, and then taken onto a boat and released over a psychic center (chakra) of Earth. The spiritual energies released are not, for the most part, going into the psychic center but are amalgamated with the natural flow of energy from the center.

The Saturn Mission has two main results. Firstly, it helps to bring about world peace. Secondly, very high frequency energy is sent to the devic kingdom, which helps to bring about a stabilization of natural conditions on Earth.

Location: Loch Ness, Scotland