“Karma is pressure…”


March 3, 1983

In this brilliant lecture entitled ‘Karma and Reincarnation’, Dr. King discusses the truth about the great Law of Karma as taught by the masters and avatars throughout history.

The masters have introduced this topic in different ways including: “As you sow, so shall you reap” and “Action and reaction is opposite and equal”.

Dr. King has introduced a brilliant new concept that ‘karma is pressure’. In the extract, he explains how this pressure can work in a very beneficial way in our lives.

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“Karma is pressure…”


March 3, 1983

In this brilliant lecture entitled ‘Karma and Reincarnation’, Dr. King discusses the truth about the great Law of Karma as taught by the masters and avatars throughout history.

The masters have introduced this topic in different ways including: “As you sow, so shall you reap” and “Action and reaction is opposite and equal”.

Dr. King has introduced a brilliant new concept that ‘karma is pressure’. In the extract, he explains how this pressure can work in a very beneficial way in our lives.

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