Inauguration of Operation Prayer Power in the USA

September 23, 1973

During a mental contact on April 7th, 1973, near the important beach in Lake Powell, Dr. King was advised by a master that Operation Prayer Power should start in America outside of the Headquarters in a significant place. He further went on to advise Dr. King that the beach on this part of Padre Bay is sacred ground. Where better to start the great Operation Prayer Power than in this holy place?

Over 60 pilgrims attended the inauguration of Operation Prayer Power on the shores of a psychic center in Lake Powell on September 23rd, 1973. They put an estimated 80 prayer hours into the Operation Prayer Power battery… officially weaving this golden thread into the history of the United States and the world.

At the end of the charging sessions, Dr. King went before the Operation Prayer Power battery and arranged the attenders to better enhance what he was about to do: to use Tibetan mudra (hand/finger positions) to invoke and direct the spiritual power generated by the mantra team into the battery – which he did in an electrifying fashion!

Location: Lake Powell, Utah, USA

Inauguration of Operation Prayer Power in the USA

September 23, 1973

During a mental contact on April 7th, 1973, near the important beach in Lake Powell, Dr. King was advised by a master that Operation Prayer Power should start in America outside of the Headquarters in a significant place. He further went on to advise Dr. King that the beach on this part of Padre Bay is sacred ground. Where better to start the great Operation Prayer Power than in this holy place?

Over 60 pilgrims attended the inauguration of Operation Prayer Power on the shores of a psychic center in Lake Powell on September 23rd, 1973. They put an estimated 80 prayer hours into the Operation Prayer Power battery… officially weaving this golden thread into the history of the United States and the world.

At the end of the charging sessions, Dr. King went before the Operation Prayer Power battery and arranged the attenders to better enhance what he was about to do: to use Tibetan mudra (hand/finger positions) to invoke and direct the spiritual power generated by the mantra team into the battery – which he did in an electrifying fashion!

Location: Lake Powell, Utah, USA