Dr. George King blesses a member of The Aetherius Society during a ceremony at the American Headquarters in Los Angeles in September 1977.

The dynamism of Dr. George King, combined with his desire for truth and practical approach to spirituality, inspired all who knew him.
Born near Wellington, Shropshire, England on January 23, 1919, he was a cosmic master who undertook humanitarian feats of global proportions.
There were many diverse sides to this master’s complex personality.
The dynamism of Dr. George King, combined with his desire for truth and practical approach to spirituality, inspired all who knew him.
Born near Wellington, Shropshire, England on January 23, 1919, he was a cosmic master who undertook humanitarian feats of global proportions.
There were many diverse sides to this master’s complex personality.
- He was an inventor who combined science and spirituality in the field of radionics for the benefit of the Earth and Her inhabitants.
- He was an occultist who taught the mystic secrets of yoga and spirituality.
- He demonstrated tremendous self-discipline to gain the higher states of consciousness.
- He was a strict disciplinarian who drew the best out of those willing to learn and work.
- He was a humorist with a delightful sense of humor who loved to entertain.
- He was an immense character, strong and vibrant; fully alive to everything and everyone around him.
- He was a lover of God, revealing that love is an energy, which is above emotion.

Dr. George King invokes spiritual energy into a spiritual power battery during Operation Prayer Power on Holdstone Down in Devon, UK.

Dr. George King directs members of the Great White Brotherhood and the cosmic masters in a coordinated discharge of Operation Prayer Power energies for the earthquake in Algiers in October 1980.
His wisdom was elevated, stretching minds and hearts inwards and upwards to the truth. He urged us to “worship at the shrine of truth”.
He stood for truth, not popularity. Because of this, his works, like those of other great masters before him, will stand the test of time.
Even as a boy, he dreamed of a better world and later worked with fervor and intensity to bring his vision to life. By the early 1950s his wisdom and mastery were evident to those closest to him. Through extraordinary mental control he achieved the great states of enlightenment.
However, due to the needs he saw all around him he left these states to work with healers from the higher planes of Earth to help those living in the wilderness of materialism.
Then one day in May 1954, as if in answer to his passionate desire, his life changed forever. Dr. King was in his London flat washing dishes when he heard a voice, loudly and distinctly, saying:
“Prepare yourself – you are to become the voice of Interplanetary Parliament!”
He later learned he had been selected by extraterrestrial spiritual masters to be a channel for their elevated wisdom. This revelation became known as 'The Command', and soon his true mission of world service was revealed to him. Without hesitation, he left behind his work in healing in obedience to an even higher calling (but would later revolutionize the healing movement).

Dr. George King practiced the higher forms of yoga for an average of 8 to 10 hours a day for 10 years.

Dr. George King revolutionized the spiritual healing movement by teaching that anybody can learn to heal. In this photo he leads a public demonstration with Aetherius Society healers.
You may ask why Dr. King was chosen to be a channel for the cosmic masters. Through experiences he had in other lives and places, he was able to bring through great wisdom from other worlds, and create advanced world missions on Earth to prepare for a fast approaching New Age.
As an extraordinary teacher and author, Dr. King’s words are stirring, inspiring and thrilling; they cut through the everyday, and raise the listener to a more elevated dimension. Yet vastly more important, he can help each of us to be an essential spiritual worker bringing in the age of enlightenment to Earth.

Dr. George King acted as the channel for 18 mountains around the world to be charged in Operation Starlight.

Dr. George King in the transmission room at the American Headquarters where he received hundreds of communications from the cosmic masters.

Dr. George King gave hundreds of lectures about the teachings of The Aetherius Society around the world, giving as many as 90 lectures in one year.
Next: The Biography