Dr. King receiving a transmission

Before each transmission started, Dr. King would begin his preparations, which included the practice of pranayama (yoga breathing). The dark glasses are to block out any light, which helps with the necessary concentration needed to raise the power of kundalini from the base of the spine in full and lodge it in a high chakra.

In the later years, Dr. King had a specially prepared room/sanctuary for taking transmissions.

Location: London, England

Dr. King receiving a transmission

Before each transmission started, Dr. King would begin his preparations, which included the practice of pranayama (yoga breathing). The dark glasses are to block out any light, which helps with the necessary concentration needed to raise the power of kundalini from the base of the spine in full and lodge it in a high chakra.

In the later years, Dr. King had a specially prepared room/sanctuary for taking transmissions.

Location: London, England